Hi! We are Alec and Madison Losee, the founders of Vom Tetontal Deutsch Kurzhaar. We are a couple dedicated to preserving the historic breed, while training, hunting, and testing our versatile hunting dogs.

Both of us developed a love for upland hunting at an early age that formed into a passion as we were both in college. We currently have a German Wirehaired Pointer named Skeena, and our Deutsch Kurzhaar, Astro vom Mountain View aka Cody.

Being based in Eastern Idaho, we feel very fortunate to live in an area where such great outdoors opportunities are in our backyard. While our falls are dedicated to upland hunting, we spend our summers fly fishing the great rivers here out west!


Upland Hunting really started for me when i was about 6 years old, maybe earlier, when we would go on our annual Sage Grouse hunt in Wyoming to places where my family has hunted for generations. I loved walking alongside my dad, grandpa, grandma, and other family that came along. I got to the point where I was counting down the days till i could start Hunters Ed, so I could actually hunt on these trips. 

When I was finally old enough to start Hunter’s Ed, my dad made me a deal, when i finish, I either get a .410 or a .22. I told him that i wanted a .410 because i wanted to be able to hunt birds. I was so excited the day my dad came home with my new shotgun, a 10 year old sized single shot .410 that was all mine.

Despite having grown up around bird dogs, I didn’t have my own until I was 20. I bought a German wire hair who was perfect for me at the time. It wasn’t until I started dating Alec that I was truly introduced to what having a bird dog really meant, and the importance of breed standards that you can find in the Deutsch Kurzhaars. Together we have big goals in introducing as many people as we can to this amazing breed, and how they are such a well versed dog that can fit many people’s hunting style.


I grew up in the outdoors with my dad, and brother. Our weekends were filled with camping and fishing across the Rocky Mountain region. Through these experiences my dad taught me a love and passion for the outdoors and many beautiful places we had surrounding our home.

In high school I found a friend in a German Shorthair I named Josey Wales. Josey taught my dad and I to love upland hunting, but more than that to love watching a good dog work a mountain side for coveys of chukar.

A few years later my passion led me to my first Deutsch Kurzhaar, Astro vom Mountain View, our Cody. As learned from my dad, the best part for me is watching the dogs work. This has lead to incorporating Cody into each of the aspects that this breed is so good at, from pointing work, to retrieving, to blood tracking big game. You can hunt successfully without a dog, but where is the fun in that?

While my priorities have changed over the years, these days my passions are hunting and fly fishing, the best part of all of it is that these turn in to family time. With a wife just as, if not more passionate about these endeavors than myself, it leads to one of life’s most beautiful things, chasing your passions with your loved ones.